Vol. 13: 3 Keys to Masterclass Chipping
Today, we are going to talk about chipping and my go to processes for getting the ball close to the hole whenever I miss a green. I would also love to hear back from you. If there’s a specific topic you would like me to write about, PLEASE comment and I’ll see what I can do.
Key #1: Manage Your Expectations
The world's finest players consistently chip the ball within 10% of the distance they're hitting from when they're inside 30 yards. Put simply, if they chip from 20 yards away, on average, the ball settles just 2 yards from the hole (20x2%). Here are some benchmarks tailored to various handicaps, offering achievable targets to up your game:
Key #2: Know Your Ratios
Yes, we're delving into ratios, reminiscent of middle school math class – unless you were like me and math wasn't your forte (no judgment here). Yet, understanding your carry-to-roll ratios in chipping is paramount. As a general rule, consider the following ratios as your club selection baseline:
© Bo Baker Golf Academy 2023
Few notes on ratios:
Ratios assume the ball lands on the green on its initial bounce.
Ratios generally hold true within 25 yards; beyond that, they may shift due to spin imparted on the golf ball.
Green conditions can influence these ratios.
Key #3: When Possible, Use Less Loft
For most golfers, those high-lofted wedges should practically scream "EMERGENCY ONLY" on the bottom. More often than not, they'll get you into trouble rather than out of it. When you're on a fairway lie with nothing but fairway and green ahead, opt for less loft. Your chances of getting the ball closer to the hole will dramatically improve. Keep it simple.
Winter Lessons!
Winter is just around the corner, and that means simulator golf is on its way too. Once again, I'll have my simulator setup for the off-season, and I'd be thrilled if you joined me for some indoor golf during the winter months. Go here for details on memberships and pricing!
Questions from my Wife Who Doesn’t Golf
👩 Wife: When was the last time you shanked a golf shot? And, what is a shank?
🏌️♂️ Me: Funny you should ask! It happened during a golf tournament on the 12th hole just three weeks ago. There are actually two types of shanks. The first, and more common one, is when you hit the ball off the hosel or neck of the club, which is where the shaft connects to the clubhead. The other type is a toe shank, which occurs when you miss the entire clubface and make contact directly with the toe of the club. Personally, I've never had a toe shank, but believe me, dealing with one type of shank at a time is challenging enough!
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